Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We Were Battling The Green Lantern All Morning...

It's Tuesday.
Today everyone's trying to finish up their mini games.
You can find the little one I made Friday on my Wiki page.
Mrs. Neal told us to make somewhat of a rich blog.
So that means here pretty soon you're gonna start seeing links like this one to my Wiki.
Or maybe even one that goes straight to my new mini game.
I didn't have much of a hard time making this one because
pretty much what I did was take the code from my
old mini game that I made last year.
It's just a matter of copying and pasting codes and
rename instances names in the code itself.
Not too difficult.

"No there ain't no rest for the wicked,
until we close our eyes for good."

1 comment:

  1. Yes, nice post with links. I do like your reworking of the mini game, however, I want everyone to see your great work and when I clicked the link the swf that popped up did not allow me to see your whole stage with the score box, it didn't show at all. Can you fix it so the whole stage is showing. Could you also plan on showing everyone how to do tweening on our next day in class? Thanks

